iKNOW IT Project - University of Washington Information School
Main Collaborators: Emily Bascom, Ari Pollack, MD, Jaime Snyder, PhD, Jodi Smith, MD, and Wanda Pratt, PhD.
The overall goal of this research is to identify approaches for health informatics technologies (HIT) to support self-management, including goal setting, and reduce illness uncertainty by identifying the key information needs and visualization strategies required by young kidney transplant patients and their caregivers.
I am currently working alongside Ari Pollack, MD at Seattle Children’s Hospital’s nephrology unit. We are in the process of recruiting, conducting, and analyzing data from two separate studies with kidney transplant patients, their caregivers, and clinicians.
To see publications for this project go the publications page.
VR Spaces for Safe Places - Past Project
Main Collaborators: Calvin Apodaca, Ari Pollack, MD, and Wanda Pratt, PhD.
This project focused on how a Social VR system (AltSpace VR) can be used as a social outlet for play and normalcy in hospital settings for pediatric patients.
We collaborated with KidsTeam UW for two co-design sessions to: (a) explore a proof of concept for what types of design recommendations we should be considering for incorporating VR systems into hospital settings with children and (b) a proof of methodology for our future design workshops in hospital settings for pediatric patients.
To see publications for this project go the publications page.
Bridging the Gap Project - Sage Bionetworks
During my PhD I did a full time summer internship and part-time consultant work with Sage Bionetworks.
I led the Bridging the Gap Project. For this work I researched and identified tools and features to enhance meaningful interaction between participants and researchers in mental health research projects.
For more details about what I did, please reference my Resume
We also produced a report for Wellcome Trust, which can be found here: https://wellcome.org/reports/bridging-gap-building-trust-between-researchers-and-participants-collecting-mental-health or download the PDF Here.
This work is an extension of a larger project funded by Wellcome called the MindKind Study - Link to MindKind Study. The MindKind study is focused on getting feedback from youth and researchers from around the world to help design a Global Mental Health Databank (GMHD) that will collect information about emotional health from young people.
ARC Project - Past Project
Main Collaborators: Ciabhan Connelly, Juan F. Maestre, and Patrick Shih, PhD.
Participated in a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded undergraduate research experience with the Proactive Health Informatics lab at IUB.
We analyzed existing research techniques and applied a new online qualitative method, Asynchronous Remote Communities (ARC) method, to evaluate stigmatized population sets (people living with HIV).
I developed/learned techniques in the areas of Health and Wellness Informatics and Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
To see publications for this project go the publications page.
Microphone Project - Past Project
Main Collaborators: Emily Bascom, Ashely Boone, and Alexis Hiniker, PhD.
We conducted a two-part study to identify user-centered, privacy-conscious designs for devices that record audio data, we report on data from 35 interview, focus group, and design workshop participants.
We used user-centered design methods, such as interviews, design workshops, and thematic analysis for three different population sets.
To see publications for this project go the publications page.